To be fair, he should have plead guilty and paid a fine long long ago. But, this was a battle of egos that was hugely stacked against him by a political machine that had control of the entire justice system. Everyone in America, indeed throughout the world, should readily understand the reference I am making.

But before we get the main point here, let’s admit there are countless examples of America’s double standands in terms of criticizing other countries for their activies. Here are a few:

  • criticizing Russia, China, and many others for slaughtering their own citizens in the name of progress while America slaughtered Indians throughout the 1800s.
  • complaining about Russian and China election interference while continuously intervening in the elections of other countries since the 1940s so “American friendly” puppets could be installed.
  • sending Americans to “fight for the rights of oppressed people” in Vietnam while oppressing the very same people being sent over there to fight for that freedom.
  • complaining about foreign “brain washing” of its youth while pushing a massive socialist educational agenda in its own public schools (while an argument for another day, let’s face it, public school = government schooling).
  • “monitoring” elections in other countries and pointing out the unfairness of the voting process while allowing non-citizens and other various unidentified people to vote in its own elections.
  • pointing out the unfairness of racial inequality in countries like South Africa and female oppression in countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia while oppressing men, especially white men, under the disguise of diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • providing countries will massive military aid to protect their borders while allowing an invasion at their own Southern Border.
  • jailing its former leaders or potential challengers to the current leaders while prosecuting Trump for “election contribution accounting violations”.

Certainly there are many more examples but those are the ones that quickly come to mind.

The Liberals / Democrats are enjoying a great Memorial Day Holiday week with the jury verdict of guilt towards Donald Trump. The rest of the world laughs at America as it sees this trial for what it was – a political witch hunt with the intention of jailing a political opponent. Some examples of that would be:

  • a prosecution witness who blatantly lies – about everything
  • not allowing defense witnesses
  • a judge that was handpicked and should never have been allowed on the case due to a conflict
  • gross inaccuracies in the jury instructions
  • the statute of limitations for the crime had long expired
  • the judge donated heavily to the Biden campaign even though it is illegal for New York judges to donate to political campaigns
  • using federal law violations to prosecute state law issues
  • evidence that was either excluded or improperly admitted
  • the due process concerns of listing 34 counts without specifying the unlawfulness by which NY Election Law was violation

Certainly legal scholars could come up with a more specific and accurate list.

But let’s look at this in the grand scheme of history. A former President of the United States was charged, tried and convicted of a felony.

That’s not only embarrassing, it is a black eye to the country and really further diminishes our standing, relevancy, status throughout the world. Well done Liberal / Democrats. But, that’s really what they want to do anyway. The socialist, bordering on Marxist idiology of Liberals / Democrats is the downfall of America as a Republic.

Maybe we’ll just become a vast waste land to vanish like the Persian Empire, the Alexandrian Empire, the Roman Empire.


Long ago a book was published with the title, “Fall of The Roman Empire”. I recall borrowing it (we called it “taking it out” back in the day) from the Brentwood Public Library in Brentwood, New York. I had taken it out with a bunch of other books and don’t recall ever actually reading it.

I have wondered if there were any comparisons between the fall of the Roman Empire to the reduction in America’s influence in the world including, what most agree to believe, the collapse of society and culture in the United States.

Someday, and I mean during this 2024 calendar year, I am going to find that book and actually read it. However, I have spent the last few days “googling it” and came up with what I believe to be 8 main parallels between what happened throughout the Roman Empire and what is occurring in the United States today.

  1. Failing economy / economic problems and reliance upon slave labor / unskilled workforce working for low wages. Rome had a long string of endless wars and over spending. The United States rarely, if ever since its existence, has been at peace. Its current spending deficit speaks for itself. In Rome there was an ever increasing gap in the wealth of the super rich and super poor. That happening in America speaks for itself. (I’m going to use that term a lot throughout this rambling.) Over taxation, high inflation and citizens fleeing the taxman into other countries exist in both examples (Rome and America).
  2. Trying to expand its influence throughout the world and overspending on military budgets. Rome did so by literally expanding itself across the European world and simply overextending its supply chains and reinforcement lines. America does so by “sticking its nose” in every foreign affair and its military overspending, especially to finance the Ukrain’s war with Russia, is infamous.
  3. For Rome it was the invasion by the Huns and migration of numerous clans of barbarians. For America it is the invasion across the southern border and migration of millions of numerous nationalities that do not accept American laws, ethics, freedoms, and culture – essentially our version of “barbarians”. During the Roman Empire times wars chased entire cultures fleeing attacks into Roman occupied and controlled areas. During our time millions are alleging they are political refugees fleeing war, famine and persecution. In both examples, the weakening of the society by the mass immigration allowed for enemy states to simply “walk right in”. Americans should be panicked by this example.
  4. Weakening of the Roman Military / Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the American Military. For Rome, it was the hiring of mercenaries because they couldn’t find qualified soldiers and the ones they did, did not have any loyalty to the legion. In America, the military is more interested in promoting unqualified members to meet quotas for “certain types” rather than promoting the actually qualified members. Allowing members with obvious mental problems to be promoted to high ranking positions, like Admirals, places military members, strategy, and safety at huge risk. Promoting members because of their gender or race simply to meet some “ratio” is just foolish.
  5. The collapse of religion and conservative values. For both examples, Rome and American (despite the separation of Church and State) interference by religious leaders and their insistence on laws to be imposed on everyone (think limitations on abortion as one example) and the absolute collapse of society and culture occurred in Rome and is occurring in the United States today.
  6. Government corruption and political instability. Is there any need for further discussion here? How is it possible that people of relative moderate means get elected into office, stay there for life, come out of office multimillionaires and not be “on the take” if not outright extorting their influence?
  7. The rise of the Eastern Empire. For Rome, it was dividing its empire into 2 main parts and having the eastern part governed by the Greeks. Attacks from “the east” contributed to the collapse of the entire empire. For America, it is the extreme divide in political appetite. There is extreme left wing socialism / bordering on marxist totalitarianism versus the extreme right wing conservatives / bordering on ancient English aristocratic culture and rule.
  8. Continued invasions by barbarian tribes / continued invasion of military aged and well fit “refugees”, drugs, criminals released from prisons if they agree to migrate north. For Rome, it was actual war parties invading its territories resulting in the defeat of the last Roman Ceasar – Augustulus around 476. For America it is the uncontrolled border crossings discussed in the heading that is leaving its citizens, its territory, its laws, its culture, its morals, values and ethics, and its existence all at great risk.

Will Americans ever look to the past to see what can happen in the present? There is a reason why the liberals in America want a dumbing down of the American student, the erasure of history, the actual re-writing of historical facts. They don’t want Americans to learn about what happened in the past so they, the liberals, can repeat it.

INVASION – Volume 6 Episode 1

This is the Kevin Driscoll Blog.  It’s a rambling, babbling, blog of non-sense that will leave you dumber just for either reading or listening to it.

This is a big election year.  Whether you are left wing, liberal, or a Democrat OR you are right wing, conservative, or a Republican OR anything else in between, there is a critical Presidential Election coming November 2024 and you need to participate.

Of course, the short analysis, if Trump wins, will be, “See, he was cheated at the last election.”  And, if Biden wins, will be, “See, we told you no one likes Trump.”  What ever.

The slightly longer analysis will be if Trump wins, the people didn’t like the way the country is and was going.  If Biden wins, the people liked the way the country is and was going. 

Of course, there are immediate issues in everyone’s face with most of those issues being pushed by the liberal philosophy or agenda: safe spaces a/k/a segregated dorm rooms; child / human trafficking issues; pornography being allowed in elementary schools; transgender identity issues; allowing men to compete in women’s sports in violation of Title IX; crime; lack of prosecution for crime; illegal immigration; failure to protect the border; environmental politics (think global warming); oil v. electric; failure to provide benefits to our active military members (how is it possible we have military members on food stamps????); providing illegal immigrants with housing, healthcare, food, education, and cellphones while our homeless are dying on the streets, failure to provide benefits to our veterans (veteran hospitals and doctors are being used to attend to the wellness of the millions of illegal immigrants let into the country); school boards withholding information from parents; school boards doing away with minimum testing standards; high level federal corruption of our elected officials (how is it a congressman / woman or a Senator comes into session relatively middle class and leaves office a multi-multi millionaire??); and, not that this is the all-inclusive list – raging inflation, price increases, food and consumer good shortages, and out of control interest rates.

Now, if you’re sick and tired of everything above.  You’ll vote for Trump.  If you’re the type of person who can “see their side of it” or “understand their point of view”, then you’ll vote for Biden.

But, what if you’re like me and hate both of those clowns?  Who are you going to vote for?  You can’t write in anyone who would ever have a chance to win.  There is no third party in our country.  The Republicans couldn’t find anyone strong enough to primary against Trump and the Democrats didn’t even try to put up anyone against Biden. 

Indeed, a country heading for a division that may never be reconcilable.

Might I suggest you consider making your choice based upon the following criteria.

Let’s start off with Adam Smith and his Wealth of Nations.  Putting aside the economic discussions in the book, which are obviously the basics of capitalism, he does talk about what the role of government should be.  Interesting in face of the when the book was published – right in the middle of our Revolutionary War (American War for Independence) in 1776, one could almost argue some of the material in the book was used as the basis for getting our country running once we won the war.  Smith argued government has three and only three functions: national defense; administration of justice (including property rights); and public goods (infrastructure).

Criteria One: national defense.  I think the current and past administrations have done a mediocre job in this area.  Certainly, the Biden Administration’s actions keeping illegal immigrants out shows violations of oaths of offices bordering (no pun intended) on criminal culpability.  With the number of military aged males from terrorist and adversarial countries pouring across the border we must remain vigilant for attacks inside our country.  Our National Guard (the weekend warriors) are ill equipped and although their initial boot camp training simulates active military, their ongoing training meets the bare minimum.  I fear it is going to be the good old fashioned local militias that will have to protect our country.  So, if you’re under the liberal gun control delusion that you don’t need a gun, well, you’re delusional. 

The best we can ever say is that part of our economy is thriving as we send military aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and other “friendly” countries.  Part of that keeps American kids off the front lines as Ukraine fights our war with Russia; Israel fights our war with religious extremists; Taiwan prepares to fight our war with China; etc etc. Personally, I’d rather see my tax dollars going overseas than either of my sons.   

It is simple here.  Our border is not safe.  The Biden Administration fails criteria one.

Criteria Two: Administration of Justice.  Look around at the crime in the northwest like Seattle and Portland, big cities like Chicago, Baltimore, New York, almost any big city in California.  Listen to the district attorneys say how they are downgrading “felonies to misdemeanors”, not prosecuting everyday crime, convincing local administrations to stop the police from enforcing some laws, allowing civilians to tell law enforcement what parts of cities they are not allowed to enter, and remember they are all run by Democrats.  Remember how the Biden Administration coddled families of CRIMINALS killed by police with language and statements emboldening, justifying, and almost out right supporting the mass of destruction that occurred during the riots of 2019, 2020, and 2021. 

It is simple here too.  The administration of justice is not happening.  The Biden Administration fails criteria two.

Criteria Three: public goods (infrastructure).  We know there was a bipartisan Infrastructure Law passed early in the administration.  It accounted for $220 Billion dollars to be allocated to the private sector.  32,000 specific projects were identified across 4500 different sites.  Here, I must admit, is where the administration has made it most significant and impressive strides.  The major projects included significant bridges like the Brent Spence, The Walk, West Mission Bay, Frederick Douglass Tunnel, Boston Logan Airport, Orlando International, Fargo-Moorhead Flood Risk Management, Montgomery Locks, Diablo Power Plant, Arkansas Conduit, Sisk Dam, Navajo Water Supply, Mescalero Bridge.  And there is still a significant amount of money left for major roads, rail line, airports, ports and waterways, transit, electric vehicle charging stations, and clean water.  Other monies are for high-speed internet, superfund clean-up sites, and tribal communities. 

This one is easy – the Biden Administration did very well for this criterion.

It appears a lot of people don’t realize there are actual real penalties for not “living up” to minimum standards discussed above.  Certainly, getting voted out of office is one of them.  But there are more very serious penalties written in our Constitution.

Article 4 of the U.S. Constitution Section 3 states, “… nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims…. Of any particular State.”

Section 4 of Article 4 is the most significant.  The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government and shall protect each of them against Invasion…. And against domestic Violence (internal rioting – think Rodney King riots and George Floyd riots). 

The Guarantee Clause gives us the majority rule standard.  A republican government is one in which the PEOPLE GOVERN THROUGH ELECTIONS.  Essentially, local supreme courts keeping Trump off the ballot is in violation of Article 4 Section 4 and needs to be addressed immediately.  The people decide who to vote for, not the judges.

The protection against invasion or internal mass rioting is normally only available from Congress or the President.  Texas, Arizona, and even Florida can make very strong cases that they are under invasion.  Article 1 Section 10 permits states to act without permission of the federal government when states are under imminent threat.  Section 10 Clause 3 allows for the states to ENGAGE IN WAR, waiving congressional permission in cases of imminent danger.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott initiated a program called OPERATION LONE STAR.  Essentially, it is a statement regarding Texas’ constitutional right to self-defense.

The programs premise is the Executive Branch of the United States, aka the Biden Administration, has a constitutional duty to enforce Federal Laws protecting States.  Those include immigration laws currently “on the books” but not being enforced.  Biden ordered his agencies to ignore Federal Statutes mandating detention of illegal immigrants. 

Abbott then lays out the logic: failure to fulfill obligations under Article Four Section Four triggers Article One Section Ten Clause Three and thus triggers Texas’ right to self-defense. 

Arizona is following.  However, somewhat rather slowly.  Attorney General Mark Brnovich issued an opinion that Arizona is being invaded and subject to an influx of drugs, criminality, and human trafficking.

Back to the penalties.  If you are an elected official you swear an oath.  Typically, that oath is almost identical in all Federal Offices and even into State and Local offices, including police.  It goes something like this, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

“Faithfully execute” means the President cannot refuse to enforce a law simply because he dislikes it.  Acts of Congress must be obeyed and enforced.  This is critical because Biden CANNOT ORDER HIS DEPARTMENT HEADS TO IGNORE immigration laws !!!!

Now, a lot of people will scream, “Treason, treason” but that is really not the case unless Biden is in cahoots with some foreign power intent on striking us from within and Biden created a situation to let those single males of military age and capacity into the country.

But, it is a very strong argument as to who you should vote for in November 2024.   (And believe me, I am asking myself, “How does that taste coming out of your mouth?”) 

Volume 1 Episode 5 – American College Students Lack of Education

Hey, this is Kevin Driscoll.  I assure you; you will be dumber for reading or listening to this podcast of rambling poorly researched and structured arguments.  However, this is Volume 1 Episode 5 and I want to talk about how under-educated the American born after 1999 is and let’s use the following three items as an example: 1. The definition of genocide; 2. Who is the longtime resident of Judea? 3. The “occupation” of Judea. 

The easiest of the three is #3.  The long-time occupants of Judea are the Jews.  Period.  No argument.  No misunderstanding.  The Jews have occupied Judea since about 2000 years before Jesus of Nazareth.  From 1800 – 1450 BC they were enslaved and brought to Egypt.  But they returned to Judea around 1450 BC.  Around 600 BC they are concurred, enslaved, and transported to Babylon by the Babylonians.  Cyrus, a Persian, concurs Babylon and send the Jews back to Judea around 550 BC.  The Greeks show up in 325 BC under Alexander the Great and rule Judea for a short time.  The Romans concur the area around 150 BC.  Around 100 AD the Jews are expelled from Judea.  From 1517 to 1917 the area was occupied by the Ottoman Empire (Turkey).  The Jews were, by that time, spread out throughout the world with a strong concentration in Eastern Europe.  After World War II England leads a movement to have Jews resettled back in Judea where they remain today. 

The Palestinians don’t exist until 12 BC – 5 BC and they were in Syria, between Phoenicia and Egypt.  Syria is not in Judea.  Palestine as a State did not exist until 1988 during a conference in Algiers.  It, technically, does not have a land territory.

So, the issue as to “who was there first” is now put solidly to rest.

The second easiest issue deals with the “occupation” of Judea.  In 1917 the Balfour Declaration puts the Jews back in control of the area based upon their historical occupation of the area.  This area is usually defined by the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.  The West Back is between Israel and Jordan.  The Gaza Strip is between Israel and Egypt.  In 1948 the United Nations proposes a two-state area: an independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state.  Arabs rejected the proposal.  War breaks out pitting Israel against Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon.  Israel won the war and maintained their presence in Judea.  They did indeed occupy Gaza as a conquering army.  In 2005 Israel completely pulled out of Gaza and forced upwards of 9,000 – 10,000 Jewish people out of Gaza and back into Israel.    

So, the occupation issue is now solidly put to rest.  Israelis do NOT occupy Gaza and did not occupy Gaza at the time of the October 7th Terrorist Attack. 

Now, let’s talk about the hardest of the three issues: genocide.  First, a definition – the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.  The “legal” definition as per Article II of the Convention of the United Nations defines it a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, in whole or in part.  IT DOES NOT INCLUDE POLITICAL GROUPS OR SO CALLED “CULTURAL GENOCIDE”.   

The Palestine Liberation Organization is formed in 1964 and dedicates itself to the destruction of Israel.  Hamas, an offshoot of the PLO, is a POLITICAL GROUP formed in 2006.  Hamas is a Sunni Islamist militant group associated with Iran but living and operating in Gaza.  They have conducted terrorist attacks, suicide bombings, deadly raids on civilian targets and repeatedly call for the eradication of Israel and Jewish people.  Actions by Hamas are clearly genocide.

Just after the October 7th Terrorist Attack on Israel, Hamas then started firing rockets into Israel in an attempt to further their eradication efforts.

Currently, the Jews are defending their land and their people.  They have returned rocket fire.  However, their return fire is specifically directed at Hamas targets, not at civilians.  Returning fire is NOT genocide.  The Israeli Defense Forces have now entered Gaza and are routing out Hamas terrorist militants.  They have killed many.  This isn’t genocide by either definition above. 

So, the genocide issue is now fully put to rest. 

Let’s return to the stupidity level of the under-educated American born after 1999.  They demand the immediate cease fire to end the “occupation” of Gaza and the “genocide” of Hamas while harassing, threatening, beating, and in limited cases actually killing Jews.  They proudly boast of the LGBTQ support for Hamas while failing to recognize they would be quickly put to death under Hamas rule.  They cry for the “genocide” they allege to be occurring while screaming, “From the river to the sea”.  They scream for the eradication of a nation and the genocide of a people.  They show just how stupidly under-educated they are.

And, as a P.S. their actions are typical of the bully tactics, we see every day on American social media.  They go out looking for a fight, picking a fight with an adversary who is prepared to defend his or herself and then cry victim when that adversary is successful in a counterattack.  Similar to what is going on now trying to make Hamas the victims.

Finally, now that Israel agreed to a ceasefire, shut the hell up.                              


Here is yet another one of my ill researched, poorly structured, and weakly argued positions on my frustration with the massive number of illegal aliens crossing our southern border every day.  

It appears there are three specific times you need defense counsel to defend you in a criminal trial.  First, when you specifically do something with full knowledge that you are breaking the law.  Think about someone who holds up a bank.  Second, when you participate, in the far background in events that break the law.  Think about someone who counts the money back at the hideout.  Third, when you are so stupid and do something so dumb that it clearly breaks the law.  Think about someone lacking any real common sense and “drives his friend to the bank to make a withdrawal” and then races back to the “club house” because his friend has to go to the bathroom really really bad.

Certainly, there are other times and other situations that someone might need defense counsel.  

As of this writing Israel is getting ready to initiate its ground war against Hamas in Gaza.  We should recall one of the most heavily fortified and protected borders in the world was breached by militants digging under through tunnels, by militants flying over with paragliders, and by militants who had bulldozed their way through the border wall and came through on foot, bikes, vehicles, and motorcycles.  Hundreds of unarmed civilians were slaughtered in their homes and on the streets.  People were kidnapped and infants beheaded on live social media.  

The point of reminding the reader of this atrocity is that it occurred with a heavily fortified border in place.  

Now, let’s discuss the borders protecting the United States.  That’s a one-word discussion / description: NONE.

On any day you can go on the internet and search for a breakdown of the nationalities of the illegal immigrants breaching our border with absolutely no resistance.  Then, they are put on buses and disbursed throughout the United States by THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY.  

The DHS is lead by Alejandro Mayorkas.  Mayorkas was born in late November of 1959 in Havana, Cuba (a Communist country).  His family was able to escape and fled to Florida but ended up in California.  He was appointed on 2/2/2021.  His undergrad degree was obtained at Berkeley, one of the most rabidly liberal institutions in the United States.  He earned his law degree from Loyola Marymount.  

His professional career includes starting off as an Assistant United States Attorney and then US Attorney for the Central District of California.  He was part of the Obama transition team and was appointed by Obama as the Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services (sort of like hiring the fox to watch the chicken coop).  He was then appointed by Biden to his current position.

It should be admitted that Mayorkas was heavily endorsed by both sides of the political isle including the Fraternal Order of Police, Tom Ridge, Michael Chertoff, Janet Napolitano and Jeh Johnson. 

His father is Jewish.  His mother is Jewish.  

It is critical to note border security is the responsibility of the United States Border Patrol.  That might confuse the reader until it is noted the Border Patrol is part of Homeland Security.  To confuse the matter further, illegal immigration processing is the responsibility of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.  Oh yeah, that’s also part of Homeland Security.

Every day on social media and more traditional media we can watch the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants simply walking right over our southern border, well – in some cases they are swimming across, with absolutely no one stopping them, Mayorkas seems to have purgered himself during his testimony to Congress when he boasted of the lawful, safe, and orderly pathways for people to come to the United States.  

He further purgered himself when he said he messaged would-be immigrants that our borders were not open and those who cross will be promptly processed and removed.  Considering just moments before he admitted a two million case backlog in the immigration courts, he seems to be lying.  And, the “removal” from the border is not sending them back from where they came.  It is a free trip to the interior of the United States.  

While testifying enemy nation states like communist China and Russia are a threat to the American public, our southern border sees massive numbers of Chinese, Iranian (that’s right, Iranian), Lebanese Hezbollah, ISIS, Al Queda, Venezuelan, Cuban illegal immigrants, all males of military age, pouring across our border.  

He testified Americans are safe today because of the work on the border.  That is just an outright lie.

Americans are starting to feel the stress and worry of another 9/11 style massive terrorist attack.  Rightfully so.  Hopefully, those very same Americans are 2nd Amendment fans and have armed themselves to protect their homes.  Hopefully, those who have relentlessly pressed on for “gun control” have woken up to understand, while watching families in Israel getting slaughtered in their home, there is a reason why guns are needed.  This is not a pro-gun post.  This about getting ready to find out who is responsible for the next terrorist attack and putting them on trial.

When that next terrorist attack occurs, those directors of various federal agencies involved in “border security”, immigration control and processing, and “homeland security” should be arrested immediately.  Their actions and decisions they made to allow massive aka millions of illegal immigrants enter this country unchecked, placed this country at horrifically grave risk.  They should be put on trial for either directly breaking the law, sitting the in background knowing what was going on was illegal yet participating, or being so stupid so as to “just follow orders”.  Those who will allege “I was just following orders”, “I was just a government employee doing what I was told” better keep all those emails, memos and texts ordering them to do so.  Their attorneys are going to need them.     


I woke up this morning watching Harvard University getting hammered by the media, by parents of its students, by extremely wealthy benefactors, and by the public in general.  It has taken an anti-Semite stance on the October 2023 war in Israel.  And now it is going to pay.  Or rather, it is not going to get paid – via benefactors who are pulling all of their funding.

So I got excited about trying to coin a new phrase – defund schools.  But, I’m not the first.  It is actually a small but growing political movement.  

What???  Aren’t children our future?  Aren’t we in need of a stronger educational system?  Aren’t we in need of stronger systems of higher education?

Yea.  Yea we are.  But, that’s not what were getting.

What we’re getting is elementary level education systems that pound children with Marxist ideology of equity and inclusion; sexualization; mono-systemic (probably not a word) collective morals and socialist values.  All at the expense of real education.  Just look at some of the social media videos showing interviewers asking random young adults random things like: who won the Civil War; what time zone are we in; how many states are there in the United States; what countries border the United States; etc etc.  While at first the videos are funny and you shake your head at the public’s stupidity, you then panic realizing these idiots ARE OUR FUTURE.  Our kids aren’t learning math skills, reading skills, real history, science, and most importantly critical thinking skills.

Just watch any of the news programs showing American college kids protesting in support of Hamas terrorists.  That’s right, outright support and encouragement for militants how gunned down unarmed civilians, burned elderly people, and beheaded infants.  Listen to their justifications for the Hamas terrorists to do those things.  It is appalling.  It is not appalling that they support the terrorists, it is appalling they don’t even know why.  They simply listen to the person with the biggest megaphone without doing their research and jump in to dance around and shout at the top of their lungs in a state of constant victimization.  

Perhaps the first thing that just popped into your head is, “And, that’s were my tax dollars are going”.   

Poor education school systems are always within political districts run by Liberals, mostly those being Democrats.  They have extremely high per student cost yet rank and the bottom in all testing.  Parents of students who are victims of rabidly liberal teacher unions and school boards are powerless to do anything.  They can’t afford to take their kids out of those schools and put them in private schools.  They might not be allowed to move their kids into other districts – this is exemplified by the New York system where you MUST go to the public schools within the hamlet you live in.  If you live in Brentwood, your kids go to the Brentwood Union Free School District.  If you live in East Islip, your kids go to East Islip schools.  The only way out is to be financially secure enough to take your kids to private schools like many wealthy parents do in Manhattan and far out east in the Hamptons.  

There is an answer for poor parents.  Vouchers.  Now I’m not going to claim to be an expert on the voucher system but I get the impression a “cost per student” is assigned to your child and you can then pull your child from the failing public school system you reside in and you get a voucher to put them in a charter school, or private school, or Catholic school, or some other religious school.  I imagine if the voucher is for $15,000 and the school cost $16,000 a year, you have to come up with the additional $1,000.  But, like I said, I really don’t have a clue how it actually works.

There is an answer for more wealthier parents too.  Pull your kids from the public school system and do the same.  Put them in a charter school, or private school, or Catholic school, or some other religious school.

How does that “defund” the educational system?  The Federal Government and almost all State Governments pay schools per student based on attendance.  That’s why schools sometimes add an extra day or two to the school year after a heavy snow season that closed the schools.  They need that attendance day.  So if you pull your kid from Joe Blow Elementary School and put him or her in It’s Better Here Charter School, the district loses that amount of funding from the feds and from the local education department.

Let’s get back to colleges and universities.  Today, our higher education institutions are flush with radically aggressive extremism vilifying Unites States history, its culture, and society in general.  Not to mention its all out war on white males under the guise of “diversity” and “inclusion” and “equity”.  Instead of our young adults learning the educational skills needed to advance math, science, reading, the arts, etc, there are gender studies, feminist studies (laughable considering they support men alleging themselves to be women), gay and queer studies, various ethnic and race studies. All of which are heavily Socialist and Marxist in nature and absolutely devoid of having any use in their employment future.   

But how?  How do we “defund”?  Well, stop donating to these places.  Encourage all of your friends to cut off their donations as well.  Don’t send your kids to those schools.  And then get organized.  Hit up your local legislators because they hold the tax dollar purse strings to public institutions.  They can even remove the tax free status of private university endowment funds.  

It gets as simple as this: if you would rather live in a society with civil morals and values, that has peace and order, a society EQUAL before the law (not laws of equity), freedom of speech and expression, free market economics (think Adam Smith and Milton Freedman), real science, real math, real history, then you MUST figure out a way to defund institutions that are trying to destroy those very same things.