To be fair, he should have plead guilty and paid a fine long long ago. But, this was a battle of egos that was hugely stacked against him by a political machine that had control of the entire justice system. Everyone in America, indeed throughout the world, should readily understand the reference I am making.

But before we get the main point here, let’s admit there are countless examples of America’s double standands in terms of criticizing other countries for their activies. Here are a few:

  • criticizing Russia, China, and many others for slaughtering their own citizens in the name of progress while America slaughtered Indians throughout the 1800s.
  • complaining about Russian and China election interference while continuously intervening in the elections of other countries since the 1940s so “American friendly” puppets could be installed.
  • sending Americans to “fight for the rights of oppressed people” in Vietnam while oppressing the very same people being sent over there to fight for that freedom.
  • complaining about foreign “brain washing” of its youth while pushing a massive socialist educational agenda in its own public schools (while an argument for another day, let’s face it, public school = government schooling).
  • “monitoring” elections in other countries and pointing out the unfairness of the voting process while allowing non-citizens and other various unidentified people to vote in its own elections.
  • pointing out the unfairness of racial inequality in countries like South Africa and female oppression in countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia while oppressing men, especially white men, under the disguise of diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • providing countries will massive military aid to protect their borders while allowing an invasion at their own Southern Border.
  • jailing its former leaders or potential challengers to the current leaders while prosecuting Trump for “election contribution accounting violations”.

Certainly there are many more examples but those are the ones that quickly come to mind.

The Liberals / Democrats are enjoying a great Memorial Day Holiday week with the jury verdict of guilt towards Donald Trump. The rest of the world laughs at America as it sees this trial for what it was – a political witch hunt with the intention of jailing a political opponent. Some examples of that would be:

  • a prosecution witness who blatantly lies – about everything
  • not allowing defense witnesses
  • a judge that was handpicked and should never have been allowed on the case due to a conflict
  • gross inaccuracies in the jury instructions
  • the statute of limitations for the crime had long expired
  • the judge donated heavily to the Biden campaign even though it is illegal for New York judges to donate to political campaigns
  • using federal law violations to prosecute state law issues
  • evidence that was either excluded or improperly admitted
  • the due process concerns of listing 34 counts without specifying the unlawfulness by which NY Election Law was violation

Certainly legal scholars could come up with a more specific and accurate list.

But let’s look at this in the grand scheme of history. A former President of the United States was charged, tried and convicted of a felony.

That’s not only embarrassing, it is a black eye to the country and really further diminishes our standing, relevancy, status throughout the world. Well done Liberal / Democrats. But, that’s really what they want to do anyway. The socialist, bordering on Marxist idiology of Liberals / Democrats is the downfall of America as a Republic.

Maybe we’ll just become a vast waste land to vanish like the Persian Empire, the Alexandrian Empire, the Roman Empire.

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