Volume 1 Episode 5 – American College Students Lack of Education

Hey, this is Kevin Driscoll.  I assure you; you will be dumber for reading or listening to this podcast of rambling poorly researched and structured arguments.  However, this is Volume 1 Episode 5 and I want to talk about how under-educated the American born after 1999 is and let’s use the following three items as an example: 1. The definition of genocide; 2. Who is the longtime resident of Judea? 3. The “occupation” of Judea. 

The easiest of the three is #3.  The long-time occupants of Judea are the Jews.  Period.  No argument.  No misunderstanding.  The Jews have occupied Judea since about 2000 years before Jesus of Nazareth.  From 1800 – 1450 BC they were enslaved and brought to Egypt.  But they returned to Judea around 1450 BC.  Around 600 BC they are concurred, enslaved, and transported to Babylon by the Babylonians.  Cyrus, a Persian, concurs Babylon and send the Jews back to Judea around 550 BC.  The Greeks show up in 325 BC under Alexander the Great and rule Judea for a short time.  The Romans concur the area around 150 BC.  Around 100 AD the Jews are expelled from Judea.  From 1517 to 1917 the area was occupied by the Ottoman Empire (Turkey).  The Jews were, by that time, spread out throughout the world with a strong concentration in Eastern Europe.  After World War II England leads a movement to have Jews resettled back in Judea where they remain today. 

The Palestinians don’t exist until 12 BC – 5 BC and they were in Syria, between Phoenicia and Egypt.  Syria is not in Judea.  Palestine as a State did not exist until 1988 during a conference in Algiers.  It, technically, does not have a land territory.

So, the issue as to “who was there first” is now put solidly to rest.

The second easiest issue deals with the “occupation” of Judea.  In 1917 the Balfour Declaration puts the Jews back in control of the area based upon their historical occupation of the area.  This area is usually defined by the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.  The West Back is between Israel and Jordan.  The Gaza Strip is between Israel and Egypt.  In 1948 the United Nations proposes a two-state area: an independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state.  Arabs rejected the proposal.  War breaks out pitting Israel against Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon.  Israel won the war and maintained their presence in Judea.  They did indeed occupy Gaza as a conquering army.  In 2005 Israel completely pulled out of Gaza and forced upwards of 9,000 – 10,000 Jewish people out of Gaza and back into Israel.    

So, the occupation issue is now solidly put to rest.  Israelis do NOT occupy Gaza and did not occupy Gaza at the time of the October 7th Terrorist Attack. 

Now, let’s talk about the hardest of the three issues: genocide.  First, a definition – the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.  The “legal” definition as per Article II of the Convention of the United Nations defines it a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, in whole or in part.  IT DOES NOT INCLUDE POLITICAL GROUPS OR SO CALLED “CULTURAL GENOCIDE”.   

The Palestine Liberation Organization is formed in 1964 and dedicates itself to the destruction of Israel.  Hamas, an offshoot of the PLO, is a POLITICAL GROUP formed in 2006.  Hamas is a Sunni Islamist militant group associated with Iran but living and operating in Gaza.  They have conducted terrorist attacks, suicide bombings, deadly raids on civilian targets and repeatedly call for the eradication of Israel and Jewish people.  Actions by Hamas are clearly genocide.

Just after the October 7th Terrorist Attack on Israel, Hamas then started firing rockets into Israel in an attempt to further their eradication efforts.

Currently, the Jews are defending their land and their people.  They have returned rocket fire.  However, their return fire is specifically directed at Hamas targets, not at civilians.  Returning fire is NOT genocide.  The Israeli Defense Forces have now entered Gaza and are routing out Hamas terrorist militants.  They have killed many.  This isn’t genocide by either definition above. 

So, the genocide issue is now fully put to rest. 

Let’s return to the stupidity level of the under-educated American born after 1999.  They demand the immediate cease fire to end the “occupation” of Gaza and the “genocide” of Hamas while harassing, threatening, beating, and in limited cases actually killing Jews.  They proudly boast of the LGBTQ support for Hamas while failing to recognize they would be quickly put to death under Hamas rule.  They cry for the “genocide” they allege to be occurring while screaming, “From the river to the sea”.  They scream for the eradication of a nation and the genocide of a people.  They show just how stupidly under-educated they are.

And, as a P.S. their actions are typical of the bully tactics, we see every day on American social media.  They go out looking for a fight, picking a fight with an adversary who is prepared to defend his or herself and then cry victim when that adversary is successful in a counterattack.  Similar to what is going on now trying to make Hamas the victims.

Finally, now that Israel agreed to a ceasefire, shut the hell up.                              

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