Hey this is Kevin Driscoll.  I assure you, you will be dumber for listening to this podcast of rambling poorly researched and structured arguments.  However, this is Volume 1 Episode 4 and I wonder if we can see the DEI Fraud throughout our college campuses for what it is.    

Can you hear them?  How can you not?  They are on every social media platform and every major media show.  They shout, no SCREAM for diversity, equity and inclusion. 

And, they also scream for the murder, annihilation of a country and genocide of a religious sect.  

So much for that diversity and inclusion bullshit.

Disclosure – I am NOT Jewish.  That needs to be said because this post is very much pro-Israel and could have been one of those, “well it figures”, if I were Jewish.

Listen to the hateful garbage being spewed by those involved in the pro-Palestine protests.  You will hear that Jews have been white enslavers throughout history.  (No, Jews are genetically NOT Caucasian and, in fact, have been a race of enslaved people going back centuries.) 

Jews are involved in the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.  (Lie.  One word addresses that.  Where’s the proof?  No where can it be shown how and when Jews have committed genocidial atrocities.  Not one time in history.)

But wait, before this turns into a lies and debunking post, let me get back to the hypocrisy that is diversity, equity and inclusion in the United States, especially in colleges and universities, today. Although you might at first believe there is huge support for this DEI phenomenon and that there is no turning back from it, let it be known there is a swelling, and quickly swelling at that, undercurrent of criticism bubbling to the surface.

One of the problems here is the rather hushed tones and slowness of this anti-woke rebellion.  Critics of DEI tread lightly in fear of being called a racist or a bigot.  They are afraid of being cancelled.  They are afraid of being physically attacked.

And while the name sounds really good, diversity equity and inclusion, it is actually a poison that rots out society.

Inclusion, you know, the part where everyone gets included, is actually highly exclusionary.  For you to be able to make sure you have representatives from any particular group, you must, by default, exclude others!  If your college says, we need more people with pink hair, some of the people with blue hair get left out.  Further, and this is the best example, the affinity groups, the ones where they create safe zones for all people of a certain characteristic – the Latin Club, The Gay and Lesbian Corner, the Muslim dorms, the people with green skin cafeteria are blatantly discriminatory and isolationist.  Frankly, one could argue that go against affirmative action laws.  Not allowing a student into a college based on their religion, skin color, ethic background is clearly discriminatory.  But so is precluding everyone else not of that religion, skin color, ethic background just to do so.  

DEI clearly waters down the intellectual capital in colleges and universities.  Here is an example, probably an exaggerated one.  Right now it is difficult not to agree students from a particular culture appear to be intellectually advanced over other cultures.  They study harder, they pursue intellectual interests at a greater rate, they have strong parental and neighborhood support systems, they score higher on standardized testing, and they are more successful in their intellectual pursuits.  On paper, they should have the bulk of admission tickets into whatever school they want to go.  But a DEI program says, no, no, no, we can only have 5% from this ethnic group, 15% from that, 45% from here, 30% from there, and 5% other.  Essentially, schools are losing out on the ability to have institutions of intellectually superior students at the cost of making sure everyone, based upon a percentage of admission allowances, gets in. 

DEI further shows its true colors (no pun intended) when it choses candidates based upon physical attributes.  Not only is that blatantly discriminatory, it is also a sign of stereotyping. 

DEI is clearly not bringing people together.  It is clearly divisive.  No, you don’t believe me.  Just turn on the television and watch the ongoing protests singling out one entire religious race for, not only exclusion, but outright annihilation.  The equity and inclusion crowd couldn’t be more hate-filled.

DEI cuts down on the pool of talent.  If a school has quotas to bring in a particular group, even if that group has some weak candidates, the potential to bring in all good talent gets eliminated.  Bringing in those weaker students also decreases the overall testing performance.  These underqualified candidates become low scoring students and potentially become horrifically ill prepared to enter the work force.        

Let me bring this rambling on to an end.  You can have all the free speech you want.  Just remember, there are consequences.  You have all the diversity you want as long as you acknowledge you are being discriminatory by keeping some out.  You can have all the equity you want as long as you realize equity is not equality and you will have numbers of very angry people watching you get resources you have not earned nor are appreciative of.  

Finally, you can have all the inclusion you want but when you shout at the top of your lungs how a particular group needs to be removed from the face of the Earth, well you’re just full of shit.  Your diversity equity and inclusion program is nothing but a fraud you are using to bully others into letting you get away with what is normally not accepted in a civilized society.     

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