Here is yet another one of my ill researched, poorly structured, and weakly argued positions on my frustration with the massive number of illegal aliens crossing our southern border every day.  

It appears there are three specific times you need defense counsel to defend you in a criminal trial.  First, when you specifically do something with full knowledge that you are breaking the law.  Think about someone who holds up a bank.  Second, when you participate, in the far background in events that break the law.  Think about someone who counts the money back at the hideout.  Third, when you are so stupid and do something so dumb that it clearly breaks the law.  Think about someone lacking any real common sense and “drives his friend to the bank to make a withdrawal” and then races back to the “club house” because his friend has to go to the bathroom really really bad.

Certainly, there are other times and other situations that someone might need defense counsel.  

As of this writing Israel is getting ready to initiate its ground war against Hamas in Gaza.  We should recall one of the most heavily fortified and protected borders in the world was breached by militants digging under through tunnels, by militants flying over with paragliders, and by militants who had bulldozed their way through the border wall and came through on foot, bikes, vehicles, and motorcycles.  Hundreds of unarmed civilians were slaughtered in their homes and on the streets.  People were kidnapped and infants beheaded on live social media.  

The point of reminding the reader of this atrocity is that it occurred with a heavily fortified border in place.  

Now, let’s discuss the borders protecting the United States.  That’s a one-word discussion / description: NONE.

On any day you can go on the internet and search for a breakdown of the nationalities of the illegal immigrants breaching our border with absolutely no resistance.  Then, they are put on buses and disbursed throughout the United States by THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY.  

The DHS is lead by Alejandro Mayorkas.  Mayorkas was born in late November of 1959 in Havana, Cuba (a Communist country).  His family was able to escape and fled to Florida but ended up in California.  He was appointed on 2/2/2021.  His undergrad degree was obtained at Berkeley, one of the most rabidly liberal institutions in the United States.  He earned his law degree from Loyola Marymount.  

His professional career includes starting off as an Assistant United States Attorney and then US Attorney for the Central District of California.  He was part of the Obama transition team and was appointed by Obama as the Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services (sort of like hiring the fox to watch the chicken coop).  He was then appointed by Biden to his current position.

It should be admitted that Mayorkas was heavily endorsed by both sides of the political isle including the Fraternal Order of Police, Tom Ridge, Michael Chertoff, Janet Napolitano and Jeh Johnson. 

His father is Jewish.  His mother is Jewish.  

It is critical to note border security is the responsibility of the United States Border Patrol.  That might confuse the reader until it is noted the Border Patrol is part of Homeland Security.  To confuse the matter further, illegal immigration processing is the responsibility of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services.  Oh yeah, that’s also part of Homeland Security.

Every day on social media and more traditional media we can watch the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants simply walking right over our southern border, well – in some cases they are swimming across, with absolutely no one stopping them, Mayorkas seems to have purgered himself during his testimony to Congress when he boasted of the lawful, safe, and orderly pathways for people to come to the United States.  

He further purgered himself when he said he messaged would-be immigrants that our borders were not open and those who cross will be promptly processed and removed.  Considering just moments before he admitted a two million case backlog in the immigration courts, he seems to be lying.  And, the “removal” from the border is not sending them back from where they came.  It is a free trip to the interior of the United States.  

While testifying enemy nation states like communist China and Russia are a threat to the American public, our southern border sees massive numbers of Chinese, Iranian (that’s right, Iranian), Lebanese Hezbollah, ISIS, Al Queda, Venezuelan, Cuban illegal immigrants, all males of military age, pouring across our border.  

He testified Americans are safe today because of the work on the border.  That is just an outright lie.

Americans are starting to feel the stress and worry of another 9/11 style massive terrorist attack.  Rightfully so.  Hopefully, those very same Americans are 2nd Amendment fans and have armed themselves to protect their homes.  Hopefully, those who have relentlessly pressed on for “gun control” have woken up to understand, while watching families in Israel getting slaughtered in their home, there is a reason why guns are needed.  This is not a pro-gun post.  This about getting ready to find out who is responsible for the next terrorist attack and putting them on trial.

When that next terrorist attack occurs, those directors of various federal agencies involved in “border security”, immigration control and processing, and “homeland security” should be arrested immediately.  Their actions and decisions they made to allow massive aka millions of illegal immigrants enter this country unchecked, placed this country at horrifically grave risk.  They should be put on trial for either directly breaking the law, sitting the in background knowing what was going on was illegal yet participating, or being so stupid so as to “just follow orders”.  Those who will allege “I was just following orders”, “I was just a government employee doing what I was told” better keep all those emails, memos and texts ordering them to do so.  Their attorneys are going to need them.     

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