I woke up this morning watching Harvard University getting hammered by the media, by parents of its students, by extremely wealthy benefactors, and by the public in general.  It has taken an anti-Semite stance on the October 2023 war in Israel.  And now it is going to pay.  Or rather, it is not going to get paid – via benefactors who are pulling all of their funding.

So I got excited about trying to coin a new phrase – defund schools.  But, I’m not the first.  It is actually a small but growing political movement.  

What???  Aren’t children our future?  Aren’t we in need of a stronger educational system?  Aren’t we in need of stronger systems of higher education?

Yea.  Yea we are.  But, that’s not what were getting.

What we’re getting is elementary level education systems that pound children with Marxist ideology of equity and inclusion; sexualization; mono-systemic (probably not a word) collective morals and socialist values.  All at the expense of real education.  Just look at some of the social media videos showing interviewers asking random young adults random things like: who won the Civil War; what time zone are we in; how many states are there in the United States; what countries border the United States; etc etc.  While at first the videos are funny and you shake your head at the public’s stupidity, you then panic realizing these idiots ARE OUR FUTURE.  Our kids aren’t learning math skills, reading skills, real history, science, and most importantly critical thinking skills.

Just watch any of the news programs showing American college kids protesting in support of Hamas terrorists.  That’s right, outright support and encouragement for militants how gunned down unarmed civilians, burned elderly people, and beheaded infants.  Listen to their justifications for the Hamas terrorists to do those things.  It is appalling.  It is not appalling that they support the terrorists, it is appalling they don’t even know why.  They simply listen to the person with the biggest megaphone without doing their research and jump in to dance around and shout at the top of their lungs in a state of constant victimization.  

Perhaps the first thing that just popped into your head is, “And, that’s were my tax dollars are going”.   

Poor education school systems are always within political districts run by Liberals, mostly those being Democrats.  They have extremely high per student cost yet rank and the bottom in all testing.  Parents of students who are victims of rabidly liberal teacher unions and school boards are powerless to do anything.  They can’t afford to take their kids out of those schools and put them in private schools.  They might not be allowed to move their kids into other districts – this is exemplified by the New York system where you MUST go to the public schools within the hamlet you live in.  If you live in Brentwood, your kids go to the Brentwood Union Free School District.  If you live in East Islip, your kids go to East Islip schools.  The only way out is to be financially secure enough to take your kids to private schools like many wealthy parents do in Manhattan and far out east in the Hamptons.  

There is an answer for poor parents.  Vouchers.  Now I’m not going to claim to be an expert on the voucher system but I get the impression a “cost per student” is assigned to your child and you can then pull your child from the failing public school system you reside in and you get a voucher to put them in a charter school, or private school, or Catholic school, or some other religious school.  I imagine if the voucher is for $15,000 and the school cost $16,000 a year, you have to come up with the additional $1,000.  But, like I said, I really don’t have a clue how it actually works.

There is an answer for more wealthier parents too.  Pull your kids from the public school system and do the same.  Put them in a charter school, or private school, or Catholic school, or some other religious school.

How does that “defund” the educational system?  The Federal Government and almost all State Governments pay schools per student based on attendance.  That’s why schools sometimes add an extra day or two to the school year after a heavy snow season that closed the schools.  They need that attendance day.  So if you pull your kid from Joe Blow Elementary School and put him or her in It’s Better Here Charter School, the district loses that amount of funding from the feds and from the local education department.

Let’s get back to colleges and universities.  Today, our higher education institutions are flush with radically aggressive extremism vilifying Unites States history, its culture, and society in general.  Not to mention its all out war on white males under the guise of “diversity” and “inclusion” and “equity”.  Instead of our young adults learning the educational skills needed to advance math, science, reading, the arts, etc, there are gender studies, feminist studies (laughable considering they support men alleging themselves to be women), gay and queer studies, various ethnic and race studies. All of which are heavily Socialist and Marxist in nature and absolutely devoid of having any use in their employment future.   

But how?  How do we “defund”?  Well, stop donating to these places.  Encourage all of your friends to cut off their donations as well.  Don’t send your kids to those schools.  And then get organized.  Hit up your local legislators because they hold the tax dollar purse strings to public institutions.  They can even remove the tax free status of private university endowment funds.  

It gets as simple as this: if you would rather live in a society with civil morals and values, that has peace and order, a society EQUAL before the law (not laws of equity), freedom of speech and expression, free market economics (think Adam Smith and Milton Freedman), real science, real math, real history, then you MUST figure out a way to defund institutions that are trying to destroy those very same things.