As of this writing about 1.5 million civilians are trying to find a way out of Gaza.  I have seen partial interviews on the various news outlets regarding the border crossings in Gaza.  The liberal spin is that Israel has completely surrounded and cut off Gaza from the rest of the world.  They have trapped millions and are bombing them to a level of extermination.  They, the liberal spinsters, relay on your ignorance to propagate their hated of Jews.  Let’s put a stop to that.

Apparently, there are three actual border crossings out of Gaza.  1 is for cargo and supplies only going from Israel into Gaza.  1 is for Palestinians with employment permits to go back and forth through the border to work.  The last one is the border crossing with Egypt.  

Egypt is technically south of Gaza and Israel.  It is 7.45 miles (12 kilometer) long.  It is referred to as the Rafah Border Crossing.  This border was established as an international border after the 1979 Egypt / Israel peace treaty.  This border is only for the movement of people.  As mentioned above goods and cargo must go through the Kerem Shalom border between Israel and Gaza.  I am going to guess this is so Israel can make sure no terrorist related materials make it into Gaza.  

In 2009 Egypt, with help from the United States (which in and of itself is laughable considering the United States has funded and helped erect several “walls” throughout the world but refuses to protect its own citizens in a likewise fashion) built a steel wall along the border.  Since then and until now the Egyptians have widened the buffer zone in the crossing area because of the murders of 31 Egyptian soldiers by Hamas.  Where were the protests then? Water filled trenches were also created.  And smuggling tunnels were flooded with water from the Mediterranean Sea.  Where are all the protests?

Time and time again, Egypt has demolished homes, resettled Palestinians, widened the buffer between themselves and Gaza and locked down the border.  Where were all the protests then? Considering both are Muslim nations and adversaries of Israel, one has to wonder what that is all about.  The answer is that Egypt has fallen victim to numerous militant attacks coming out of Gaza.  It has gotten so bad that even the Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian President at the time, voiced support for the border well.  He admitted, “It is Egypt’s sovereign right”.  Where are all the protests?

As of today Egypt continues to plan against a mass exodus from Gaza.  Egypt is asking Israel to allow civilians to cross into Israel instead.  Are they for real?  By the way, where are the protests to that position?   

So, what is Egypt’s problem?  Well, there are several:

  1. They have been victims of Hamas militant attacks too.  (Where are the protests condemning Hamas attackes on fellow Muslims?) Sounds familiar.
  2. They are unable to house and feed so many people. Sounds familiar.
  3. They have security concerns militants will sneak across the border disguised as civilians seeking the safety of a border crossing. Sounds familiar.
  4. They don’t have the infrastructure in Sinai to support this mass immigration. Sounds familiar.

Egypt finally states it will allow humanitarian aid to go INTO Gaza but no one will be allowed out.  And, guess who is being asked to fund that humanitarian aid?  You got it, you, the American Tax Payer.  And, guess what the next ask is going to be – oh, can’t you take some of these Palestinian refugees off our hands?  That’s right, the good ol’ US of A, the ones the Palestinians are trying to wipe off the face of the earth with all the other infidels.

Well, maybe we should do what all the liberal politicians, irrelevant – super wealthy celebrities, and left wing Marxist college students ask – adopt a family.  Not that they are going to do it.  They just was you to do it.  So, prepare your answer, because the Gaza Refugees are on their way.