What is a border? For the sake of this argument, let’s call it a division between countries. That division can be arbitrary and imaginary (hey, you take everything between that tree over there west to that rock on the north side and I’ll take everything south) – some “line” drawn on a map or piece of paper. Or, it can be real like a river. Or, a wall.

Why are borders important? They establish sovereignty. I’ll do what I want over here and you can’t have a say in it. And, you can do what you want over there and I can’t have a say either. Borders recognize a “power”. That is, my leader is a king and we love our king. But, your country has a selfish, cruel dictator and maybe you love your guy too. Over the course of human history borders have fostered peace between countries, economic prosperity, and lawful order.

Why is it important to protect our / your border? Every country its own specific national character. Protecting your border keeps your country from being over run and overwhelmed by outsiders – whether you like those outsiders or not, whether you need those outsiders or not. Each country has its own cultural and ethnic differences. That composition is protected by ensuring migration over your border does not occur.

Perhaps the most critically important need to protect the border is property rights. A mindset that goes back to the Magna Carter and fully examined in 1775 / 1776 by The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith. On a national level, your tax dollars and perhaps your actual sweat went into building the infrastructure, buildings, roads, etc. What gives any outsider the right to benefit from your input? Not to mention the fact that your house, your house, the one you fix, maintain, pay for, insure, live in is yours and no one should be able to come inside without your invitation and permission (including the INSANE squatting rights granted in California – if someone moves into your house while your on vacation, you’re out of a house, period).

There is a huge political argument that a border, our border anyway, reflects democracy, a condition made by social trust and likemindedness or solidarity. That democracy will certainly be undermined by mass migration by peoples of no understanding of these norms nor MORAL COMMITTMENT TO MAINTAIN THEM.

Perhaps the idea or philosophy behind a border is as simple as this: as Charlie Kirk says, “A border is a place where bad ideas end and good ideas start.” Think, North Korea and South Korea; Russia and Norway; India and China.

On September 11th, 2001, terrorists coming into the United States on work and educational visas committed the worst attack on American civilians and property in United States history. They were here legally and, as such, there was no illegal or warlike border crossing.

On or about October 8th Hamas, a political terrorist group based primarily in Gaza, crossed the border into Israell from several directions at different locations. And, those borders are actual walls. They flew over in para-gliders, they crashed through with bulldozers, and they fired rockets and artillery over those actual hardened borders. And, they slaughtered unarmed civilians in the name of fighting oppression. They crossed the border with malicious intent.

Then, there is the southern border of the United States with Mexico. A place where, coming north, bad ideas end and good ideas start as evidenced by the fact that millions are fleeing their countries to come into the United States. Indeed many are fleeing economic and political hardship. They just want a better life. But others, and it is indisputable, are coming here for the next terrorist attack.

In 2002 2.7 million illegal aliens crossed the border. As of 09/30/23, 2.8 million crossed the border. Most are without any “papers”. That is, their countries don’t mandate birth certificates, driver licenses, social security cards – nothing. They were ghosts before they arrived here and they’re certainly ghosts once they were let loose to wander about the country. They aren’t vaccinated, for anything; they are poorly educated; they are mostly unskilled.

The United States leads the world in immigration. 15.1% of the American population are illegal immigrants. America takes in 48.2% of all illegal immigration. The next closest country takes in 11.6% !!!!!! And, it is all because of the Biden Administration’s refusal to protect and close our southern border.

The largest numbers of immigrants are coming from Venezuela, Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador, Cuba (both by sea into Florida and land from Mexico), Haiti, SYRIA, Ukraine. In August 2023 82% of the arrivals came from Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador and India. Additional illegal immigrants came from Senegal, Ecuador, Mexico and Mauritania in northwestern Africa. 6,386 nationals from Afghanistan, 3,153 from Egypt, 659 from Iran and 538 from Syria all being men of enlistment age, 12,624 from Uzbekistan, 30,830 from Turkey, 1,613 from Pakistan, 164 from Lebanon, 185 from Jordan, 123 from Iraq and 15,594 from Mauritania. Large numbers of Chinese are also being encountered.

151 of those above were on the FBI’s terrorist watch list. It has been concluded the Chinese are not really seeking political asylum, they are free range spies reporting back on conditions in the United States. And, what’s up with all the “political asylum seekers” from the Middle East without families accompanying them?

You might now be wondering how much does it cost to disburse these illegal immigrants throughout the country, shelter them, feed them, educate them, cloth them, give them free cellphones – $150.6 billion. That’s 150.6 billion taken away from OUR homeless and OUR veterans. In fact, our homeless and veterans are literally being kicked out of their shelters so the illegal immigrants can have a place !!!!!!

Sanctuary Cities, especially those like New York City and Chicago, are complaining over being overrun and overwhelmed by the hundreds of thousands now occupying their streets. Governors and mayors are pleading to the regular Joe to “adopt” a family and let them live with them. WHAT????? Americans are living day to day trying to provide for their own and now these politicians want them to take on more?? I wonder how many families these politicians and their rather irrelevant but ultra-wealthy celebrities have adopted?

Let’s get to the final points. Why are open borders bad? And, what does this have to do with Israel?

Open borders, the ones supported by the Biden Administration, Liberals, Democrats, and the American Civil Liberties Union place our country at huge risk. Open borders let in criminals, terrorists and create other national security risks. Open borders makes it easy to smuggle drugs and exploit kidnapped children. Open borders flood the job market with unskilled workers who will never really find gainful employment. Overpopulation has its own set of issues. Cultural values will change for the worse. Some illegal immigrants will not be willing to integrate themselves into American society. We lose our right to define who we are a nation and as a people. The local citizen population will have high levels of frustration resulting in prejudiced attitudes against immigrants, legal or otherwise. Finally, open borders allowing people to enter the country with no prospects for food and shelter will create situations where those people with have to steal and commit other crimes just to survive.

Getting back to the title of this rambling, if Israel can be attacked having a strong border defense including actual barriers, walls and personnel monitoring and still suffer extreme terrorist attack atrocities, then what terrorist attack is in American’s future with open borders?