EDUCATIONAL EQUITY – The Dumbing Down of The American Student

A few weeks ago Rob Schneider released a stand up comedy video. During the show he examines various woke policies and the obvious danger they are to our society. One of the bits involves one of our major airline’s diversity policy which might suggest they are not interested in hiring the best, safest, nor most qualified pilots but they prefer a pool of mixed or diverse candidates. Does that make sense to you? Pick this candidate because he/she/it is not a white male regardless of their lack of training, safety rating, and experience? Really???

Fast forward to a few days ago when it was discovered the Portland (Oregon) is implementing new grading guidelines that bar teachers from assigning “0” – zeros to students for cheating or for failing to turn in assignments. It also eliminates penalties for late work and eliminates grades for homework, class participation, attendance, effort, attitude and behavior.

Apparently, the district argues, there is great race disparity and inequity. There is a drive to create grade EQUITY. (Wouldn’t it make more sense to hold teachers accountable for failing to educate students? Wouldn’t it also make sense to recognize there are some students who simply have no use for learning? No, it seems it is simply easier to make sure everyone gets the same grade – period.) The district seeks to follow California’s lead in narrowing the gap between non-gifted and gifted students. However, in that case, California simply obliterated gifted student programs and accelerated classes thus forcing the gifted kids, whether black, white, Hispanic, Asian, or otherwise, from advancing themselves into areas of higher learning.

This bizarre mandate, to take effect by 2025, indicates the minimum grade a student can get is 50%. Here there is a huge struggle to determine exactly what the point is. Shouldn’t it be 65% or what ever the minimum passing grade is? If there is really a desire to make all of the grades flat line across the board, the minimum and maximum grade any student should receive is 65%.

Let’s take a step back and examine this allegation of disparity and inequity. In 2023. When every day we hear it droning on and on and on about the racial disparity. Do they mean to suggest this great disparity and inequity still goes on today? In 2023?

Let’s consider this. I will never be an artist. I will never be a musician, a doctor, an engineer, a scientist, an architect, a spy, nor a professional athlete. I will never be a fashion model nor a thousand other occupations. Why, because not only am I NOT QUALIFIED, I also HAVE NO INTEREST IN DOING SO. But, if I did, I can simply go up to Portland where my grades will be evened out against students who really are qualified and I can enter any field I want. I look forward to operating on you, or designing your next airplane, or calculating the stresses on your next neighborhood bridge. I’ll probably have to make a lot of stuff up because I chose not to attend many of the required courses and failed most of my tests. Well, I would have failed but Portland says I need to have an equitable grade. So, I’m good.

So, am I exaggerating above? What’s the big deal? Well, frankly first let’s acknowledge the extreme insult to all of the students who actually do care. Who actually do try. Who actually do the homework and participate in class and take an active interest in their own education. Because they are being told they really don’t need to put in all that effort and they’re going to lose a lot of educational opportunities because they aren’t allowed to accelerate and “be better”. Let’s face it. We’re not all equal. Some of us are good looking, some not. Some are great athletes, some not. Some are “good with their hands” and can fix anything, some not. Some are artistically creative, some not. SOME OF US ARE SMART, SOME NOT. There is no avenue to make us all equal in these regards. Period.

Let’s see this for what it is – the dumbing down of the American student. Considering all of the foreign students coming here and securing all of the high end technological and health care related jobs, how does the Teachers Union and all of its woke supporters sleep at night knowing they make us weaker and weaker every school year? How can they look themselves in the mirror knowing that the American student continues to lose higher educational opportunities and well paying jobs to better educated and prepared foreign students?

Apparently, they sleep very well as they continue to try to make us all EQUAL.

How Communist / Socialist of them.